ACT 1776


Board and Committees

1. The Diocesan Appeal Board shall consist of five (5) persons, two (2) of whom shall be selected by the System and two (2) of whom shall be selected by the Association. The fifth member, the chairperson, shall be selected by mutual agreement of the System and the Association from a pool of candidates.

The System and the Association shall mutually select a chairperson(s) for one (1) year’s service on the Diocesan Appeal Board, subject to renewal by mutual agreement.

If no chairperson(s) is in place at the time a grievance is pending, the System and the Association shall mutually select a chairperson from the American Arbitration Association or an equivalent arbitration/mediation service.

1a. Procedures and guidelines of the Diocesan Appeal Board shall be determined by mutual agreement of the System and the Association.

1b. No later than ten (10) school days prior to a scheduled hearing, the System and the Association shall notify each other of their respective representatives on the Diocesan Appeal Board.

2. When an opening occurs on a Diocesan Curriculum Committee, such openings shall be posted on a system-wide basis for ten (10) school days. Any interested teacher may submit his/her name to the Director of Secondary Curriculum, Instruction and Staff Development. Each applicant shall be afforded the opportunity for an interview with the Director of Secondary Curriculum, Instruction and Staff Development or his/her designee within thirty (30) days after the end of the posting period. Notification of the appointments shall be sent to all applicants and the Association.

2a. Lay teachers shall be adequately represented on all System curriculum and other academic committees. A list of all committees shall be sent to the Association.

3. A Faculty Coordinating Committee shall be established in each school for the purpose of improving faculty communications within the local school. The members of the Committee shall be elected by the faculty, exclusive of administration, as defined in Article I, Section 1. This Committee shall consist of at least four (4) members but no more than nine (9). The Committee shall be consultative to the Principal and shall make constructive recommendations to him/her reflecting local faculty interest and concern relative to conditions at that school. The Principal shall consider these recommendations seriously and shall within a reasonable period of time inform the local Faculty Coordinating Committee in writing as to his/her decisions and the reasons.

3a. These recommendations are not and cannot become matters of the grievance procedure.

4. The Committee for Review will be comprised of three (3) members, two (2) representatives from the System or their designees and a department head from the appropriate academic area.

5. The Sabbatical Leave Committee shall be composed of five (5) members. In odd numbered years, three (3) members will be appointed by the System and two (2) members will be appointed by the Association. In even numbered years, three (3) members will be appointed by the Association and two (2) members will be appointed by the System.

6. The System shall appoint the Department Head Review Board which shall consist of one (1) representative of the System or his/her designee, the Principal of the school in which the opening occurs or his/her designee, and the Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs. The interview process will involve a member of the Curriculum Committee from the appropriate subject area. This shall normally mean that the member of the Curriculum Committee will be present at the interview(s). If the member of the Curriculum Committee is not able to be present at the interview(s), it is expected that he/she shall contact and interview the department head candidate(s) within forty-eight (48) hours of the conclusion of the formal interview(s) and relay their observations on the candidate(s) to the Principal within the next twenty-four (24) hours. The appointment of a department head shall proceed once this time period has elapsed.

7. The Teacher Stress Committee shall be composed of two (2) representatives from each of the various teacher groups and one (1) representative of the System. The Committee shall meet at least twice a year. A written report shall be forwarded to the Association.

8. The Evaluation Advisory Committee shall be composed of two (2) representatives from the Association, two (2) representatives from the System, three (3) school administrators and three (3) teachers mutually selected by the Association and the System. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article XV, Section 9, the Evaluation Advisory Committee shall be chaired by the Superintendent for Secondary Schools or his/her designee.

9. Chairpersons of contractual committees shall be selected by the committee members.

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