ACT 1776



The purpose of the evaluation process is to assist the teacher in his/her continued professional growth.

The criteria used for the evaluation of teachers must be published in the Faculty Manual and is herein attached as Appendix A.

Teachers will retain all legal recourse against the School.

1. OBSERVATION: a formal visitation to the teacher's assigned work area by the Principal and/or Vice Principal(s) for the purpose of observing the teacher's work performance. For non-tenured teachers, the visitation shall be scheduled or unscheduled and will last for at least twenty-five (25) minutes. For tenured teachers, the observation shall be scheduled with at least two (2) days advance notice and will last for at least twenty-five (25) minutes. The Principal and Vice Principals must possess a Supervisory Certificate or be actively working toward said certificate in order to observe and evaluate.

1a. This observation shall in no way be construed to place a limit on the number of informal observations.

2. EVALUATION: a written evaluation prepared after the observation by the administrator who observed the teacher's work performance.

3. ANNUAL EVALUATION: a year-end written summary of the teacher's work performance which shall identify performance areas of strength and performance areas needing improvement. Each teacher is required to submit a Professional Improvement Plan (PIP) for the upcoming school year that shall be included in the Annual Evaluation. The PIP will be developed by the teacher in consultation with the administrator. The administrator shall be responsible for the final approval as to whether the PIP content follows Diocesan Guidelines as well as New Jersey state laws and guidelines regarding PIPs and Professional Development hours.

3a. The School will be financially responsible for the costs of any workshops, training programs, seminars, and other professional development programs which fulfill the requirements of a teacher's PIP and which the teacher was directed to attend by the administration.

There shall be at least three (3) formal observations with an evaluation per year of each non-tenured teacher in addition to the Annual Evaluation.
Long term substitutes shall be subject to the same evaluation procedures as non-tenured teachers.

There shall ordinarily be one (1) but no more than three (3) formal observations with an evaluation per year of each tenured teacher in addition to the Annual Evaluation.


  1. Within two (2) days preceding a formal observation of a tenured teacher, the administrator and the teacher shall meet and review what will be observed during the formal observation.

  2. Within ten (10) school days following a formal observation, the administrator and the teacher shall meet and review the written evaluation and discuss its implications for the teacher's Annual Evaluation.

  3. Prior to the end of the school year, and within ten (10) school days of completion of the Annual Evaluation, the Principal or the Vice Principal and the teacher shall meet and review it.

  4. Both the administrator and the teacher shall sign each evaluation and retain a copy for their respective records. The teacher's signature shall indicate only that he/she has received a copy of the evaluation and not that he/she is in agreement with it. The teacher may submit a written response to the evaluation within ten (10) days after the conference which shall be attached thereto. The administrator may, in reply, modify the evaluation if he/she deems it appropriate to do so. In the absence of a reply by the administrator within ten (10) days following receipt of the teacher's response, it shall be conclusively presumed that the evaluation remains unchanged.


The Principal, Vice Principal(s) and the respective Department Chairperson may visit all teachers in the performance of their professional duties. However, no formal written evaluation will be made. A written commendation or letter of deficiency may be made as a result of such visitation.

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